If you can answer YES to all of the following questions, Talent Market may be able to help!
- Are you looking for much more than a job board?
That’s good, because we’re definitely NOT a job board. Any search on our site is one in which we’re partnering closely with the client and spending countless hours and days on (recruiting, vetting, organizing, communicating, driving the process forward, etc.).
- Is your organization a free-market 501(c)3?
Talent Market works exclusively with 501(c)3 organizations. - Does your organization’s mission clearly & directly advance one or more of the following areas?
Economic freedom, free enterprise, free trade, free speech, property rights, rule of law, and limited regulation. - Does your organization eschew government funding?
Talent Market does not work with organizations that receive federal or state government funding. - Is your organization part of the State Policy Network community?
Talent Market is focused on serving the think tanks, policy/research organizations, litigation centers, and capacity building institutions within the State Policy Network community. - Does the opening fall into one of these categories: entry, mid, junior, senior, or executive?
Ok, this is a trick question. Talent Market manages searches at all levels! - Is the opening a full-time, permanent position?
Talent Market assists with full-time, permanent positions. We do not assist with searches for part-timers, freelancers, interns, contractors, or consultants. Note that Talent Market can often assist an organization with more than one search at a time, depending on our capacity. - Are you excited about Talent Market recruiting from its network of tens of thousands of liberty-minded individuals for your hiring needs?
We’re the only nonprofit organization focused on helping the free-market movement find the talent it needs and we’ve spent 16 years building an amazing network. You won’t find a network like ours at a private sector recruiting firm (but you will have to sign a contract, pay them $20,000, and explain why free markets work better than the heavy hand of the government). - Would you like to launch your search in the near future?
Talent Market works on searches in which we are proactively engaged before the search is launched, and we jointly launch the search together with the client. We do not assist with previously launched searches. Existing clients should come to us 1-2 weeks before you want your search launched (potential new clients should come to us at least 30 days in advance) so that we can help you put together a solid job description, determine an appropriate salary, understand market trends, and generally save you a headache or three before we get going. We’ll also let you know if you’re looking for a unicorn….it happens. (Under certain circumstances, we may be able to assist with a search that has previously been launched, but only if the search has been closed out completely for a minimum of one month.) - Would you like Talent Market to manage the search process for you?
Talent Market manages searches for talent. We do not advertise or recruit for searches we aren?t managing. When Talent Market “manages” a search, this means we serve as the initial point of contact for all candidates and there aren’t different job postings with different contact information/application instructions floating about. There is one job description that we (Talent Market and the client) finalize together and use on all platforms that directs all candidates to apply through the Talent Market system. We keep the client organized and keep the candidates informed. In short, managing a search maximizes our work, minimizes your work, and makes the process more efficient! - Would you still like to be in the driver’s seat regarding decisions about candidates?
Good! That’s exactly where you should be! It is important to note that when we manage a search, the client still makes 100% of the decisions and sees every applicant. If you’re interested in a candidate, we will let that person know you’ll be reaching out to arrange an interview. Or, if it would be helpful for us to phone screen the most promising candidates, just let us know. And, of course, we handle rejections, too! (Thankfully, we had a lot of practice with rejection in high school.) - Is your hiring manager willing and able to work directly with Talent Market on the search?
Talent Market has found that the most effective and efficient way to manage a search for an organization is to work directly with the hiring manager. - Are you looking to hire someone who is free-market oriented?
Talent Market’s network is full of people who believe in advancing the principles of economic freedom, free enterprise, free trade, free speech, property rights, rule of law, and limited regulation. If you’re looking for someone like this, you’ve come to the right place! If philosophical alignment is not important for your hire, we’re NOT the best source of talent for you. - Does the opening fall into one of the following categories: communications/media, policy/research, fundraising, executive management, events, project management, legal, outreach, finance, operations, or technology?
Ok, that was another trick question. Talent Market assists with searches for all types of talent. Our network is full of individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills. One thing to note if you’re looking to fill an HR or finance position: free-market talent is incredibly difficult to find in these areas, so, you will want to be as open-minded as possible. For instance, being willing to hire virtually will make a significant difference in your candidate pool. Note that Talent Market does not assist with purely administrative positions such as office managers, executive/administrative assistants, etc. - Are you willing to respect candidate confidentiality?
Talent Market takes confidentiality very seriously and we want our clients to as well. Therefore, we require clients not to share any candidate’s information or interest in the role with those outside of their organization without the candidate’s permission. The last thing you want is to have word get back to the candidate’s employer that he is looking for another job. Not only will this put the candidate at risk, but it will also put your organization at risk and harm its reputation! Candidates don’t want to apply to organizations who can’t keep a secret. - Are you in agreement with Talent Market’s values?
Talent Market does not discriminate on the basis of any characteristic protected by law, including but not limited to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, or sexual orientation, nor do we work with any organization that discriminates based on these factors.
All of Talent Market’s services are provided at no cost to free-market 501(c)3 nonprofits thanks to the generosity of donors, including our nonprofit clients. Please note that depending on a number of factors, including current work capacity, Talent Market may not be able to provide all of these services at any given time. In order to determine if we can help, please drop us a line or give us a call.
(Talent Market does not work with political organizations, organizations that promote favoritism or special interests, or organizations that focus on social issues.)